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青い人生相談 by Chip Eckton #06




Job hunting is very stressful for me. I worry about whether I can get a job because I don't have enough academic background. Companies say that academic background doesn't matter, but I think it is just a polite face. Please tell me how I can be more positive toward job hunting.



Job hunting is always stressful. Essentially what you are doing when interviewing for a job is allowing a total stranger to evaluate you and examine your background in order to determine whether you are worthy of working for him, or if it would be worth his while to take a chance and hire you. No one likes to be judged.



However, if you have confidence in yourself you can face rejection. I think self-confidence is really the key characteristic to have when job-hunting (unless you're self-confident to the point of arrogance). Interviewers are likely to respond to someone who is comfortable about himself and seems to know what he is doing. If you are full of doubts, fake it. Sometimes you can bluff an interviewer into believing that you believe in yourself and know what you're doing even when the opposite is true.



Of course. academic background matters, but there are plenty of other characteristics that you are evaluated on. A company is likely to hire the applicant with the better academic background when choosing between two applicants who are equal in all other respects. It is unlikely that any two applicants will be equal in all other respects though, therefore it is important to know your strengths and weaknesses. Applying or interviewing for a position, you must accentuate your strengths and downplay (or ignore) your weak points.



All this is pretty basic really. Any advice column dealing with a question about job hunting will give some variation of the same advice. What it boils down to is this: you have to convince the interviewer that you are a great person, that you'd be an asset to the company, and that nothing could possibly be more important to you than submitting to authority and setting self-interest aside while you function as a good little worker ant and totally devote yourself to the good of the company. If you can do that successfully then you stand a good chance of being hired. What you do once you're hired is up to you.





We all have bills to pay, so we all have to make a living. Unless you're independently wealthy or you have a talent for crime, chances are you are going to have to work for a living. Whatever job you get is likely to take up a great deal of your time, so it is important to try to find something that interests you or that you enjoy doing. If you have a talent of some sort it might be worth your while to try to find a way to exploit that commercially. I realize that we can't always be selective about what sort of job we accept, but for your own sake you should avoid work that is going to make you miserable regardless of the salary.

I don't know what interests you or anything about you really, therefore I can't be any more specific with my advice. There are many different schools of thought about the function of work in our lives, but I think it is more important to live your life in the present and enjoy what you have than to devote your life to, and define yourself by, a job you detest in the hopes that you may feel fulfilled or rewarded someday in the indefinite future.

If you don't define yourself by what you do for a living it won't be such a crushing blow to be turned down for this or that particular position. Keep in mind that the pertinent difference between yourself and whoever is interviewing you is that he has a job and you don't. Know yourself; understand your strengths and draw confidence from them. When you are facing some kind of financial crisis, keep in mind that you will always be able to find some sort of job to earn the money you need to pay your bills. If you don't allow yourself to think your entire future rides on the outcome of a particular job search you'll find the whole process a lot less stressful.


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