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青い人生相談 by Chip Eckton #06



対テロ戦争で戦っているどちらの側も、彼らが実施している流血の戦いに関して正当な理由を示すことはできません。どちらの側も、兵士より武器を持っていない民間人の方を多く殺戮しています。どちらの側も、アルジャジーラやCNN のようなメディアで流すいんちきな映像を創作するのが大好きです。まるで、どちらの側も同じ目的を持っているかのようです。しかし、それは何なのでしょうか。アメリカの目的は、いったい何なのでしょうか。



Neither side in the war on terrorism is able to show convincing reasons for the bloody conflicts they engage in. Both sides kill more unarmed civilians than soldiers. Both sides, through Aljazeera, CNN, or other media outlets, love to create phony movies on TV. Both sides seem to have a similar purpose. But what is it? I don't understand just what the United States hopes to achieve.

Why did so many Americans vote for Bush? Bush looks just like a puppet. Who wants this kind of tension? How will our future be affected by it? What should I do?

Chip-san, please give me your opinion. Also, what changes do you see in America these days?






To refer to the current U.S. armed conflicts in the Mid-East as a "war on terrorism" only clouds the issue. A war, by definition, is a conflict between two armed factions. "Terrorism" is not an enemy against which war can be waged, it is a tactic used by combatants. There are terrorists in the U.S. (Oklahoma City bombing, 1995), in Japan (Aum Shinri Kyo subway gassing, 1995), and all over the world. Anyone can be a terrorist simply by strapping a bomb to his chest and walking into a crowded public place, or driving a car full of explosives into a building.

The current conflicts would be more accurately termed the "war on Islamic people in the Mid-East who don't do what Washington wants them to do." However, "war on terrorism," while less accurate, has a catchier ring to it and can be more easily marketed to civilian populations.

It is impossible to wage war on terrorism because terrorism will only cease to exist when the powerless no longer have any grievance with the powerful. In other words the "war on terrorism," like the "war on drugs," is a war that can never be won, and therefore stands as an excuse to wage war at will without end.

In any case, the idea that a war is being waged on terrorism is ridiculous when you stop and think about it. Planes commandeered by fundamentalist Islamic Saudi terrorists, under the leadership of a member of a Saudi family with close personal and business ties to the Bush family, are crashed into buildings in the U.S. in order to protest U.S. policy in the Middle-East. How do Bush & Co. react? They invade Iraq, a secular Arab country (with large oil reserves) once considered an ally of the U.S., under false pretenses.




Your suggestion that there are only two sides in the current conflicts is inaccurate as well. The war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan are being fought for different (though related) reasons. Neither is specifically, or even primarily, about combating terrorism. Although terrorist training camps existed in Afghanistan, eliminating these camps functioned more as an excuse, rather than a reason for invading. Otherwise, neither conflict is directly related to the tragedy at the World Trade Center in September 2001. However, I take your point about "both sides" to mean the Arab world and the United States. Both of these sides do have a similar purpose, in fact both have the same purpose: to forcibly impose their will and their viewpoints on people with different ways of looking at the world.

Responsibility for the events of September 11, 2001 lies squarely with those individuals who planned and carried out the attacks. Not with the Afghani people, nor with the Iraqi people. Those who carried out the attacks died while doing so, but many of those who planned the attacks - including Osama bin Laden - remain at large. It is valid to wonder why the U.S., with all its advanced weaponry and intelligence capabilities, hasn't captured and brought these people to justice. Why then is the U.S. in Iraq and Afghanistan? I haven't space here to explore this subject as thoroughly as I might, but there are three words to keep in mind: Oil, Empire & Religion.





The goals of the current U.S. regime are rarely given serious examination by the media, at least that is the case in the United States.

While the Bush people often misrepresent their goals publicly, they are not secret. Everyone knows that worldwide oil supplies are dwindling and that U.S. consumption of oil is second to no nation on Earth. It is also well known that the Bush family is a wealthy, politically-connected clan with close ties to the Arab world and large holdings in the oil industry.

It has long been a dream of certain elements in U.S. political and corporate circles to build an oil pipeline across Afghanistan to bring oil from the former Soviet Republics to the Persian Gulf. In order to make this dream a reality, it is necessary to have control over Afghanistan. Iraq has the second largest oil reserve in the world, but Saddam Hussein was a powerful man who was unwilling to take orders from Washington. So the quest for control over the world's oil supplies plays a big part in the "war on terrorism."





Certain elements in American government never tire of telling anyone who will listen that the United States of America is the only remaining superpower in the world. Many of those within the neo-conservative movement currently in vogue in the U.S. believe that now is the time to take advantage of that situation by using American military, political, and economic might to establish global dominance.

This bid for American Empire is promoted by (among others) the Project for the New American Century, a think-tank that has developed a doctrine subscribed to by most of the core members of the Bush cabinet. In order to achieve political control over key strategic countries, such as Afghanistan and Iraq, it is necessary to install puppet leaders and maintain an American military presence. It is also likely that "Old Europe" and, especially, China will come to be seen as rivals to be controlled and marginalized to the extent possible.

Those interested in learning more about the goals of the warmongering chicken-hawks in the White House are advised to look into the goals outlined in the literature produced by the Project for the New American Century.






彼らの目標について興味がある人は、キリスト教再建主義(Christian Reconstruction あるいは Dominion Theology)について調べてみると良い。強い影響力を持つブッシュ後援者やブッシュ政治の政策立案者には、この特殊な宗派に属する人物が多い。彼らは、旧約聖書の教えによって現代社会を治めるべきだと考えている(また企業は、環境問題や労働問題の責任を問われるべきではないとも考えている)。ブッシュは彼の戦争を善と悪との戦いと設定しているらしいが、ブッシュ株式会社の目標はそんなところにはない。アメリカの未来から民主主義を消し去る計画を進めているのだ。

Despite endless protestations to the contrary, it should be obvious to anyone paying attention that religion also plays a large role in any and all conflicts cenered around the Middle-East.

The history of religious conflict in this part of the world goes back to antiquity. The match that lit the flame that still burns today, however, was the forcible eviction of the Palestinians from their homeland after World War II in order to create the state of Israel as a homeland for the world's Jews. The majority of the resentment and anger felt by the Arab world toward the United States can be traced to the massive, unquestioning support (economic, military, and political) given to Israel by the U.S. Here in the U.S., any criticism of Israeli policy or of U.S. support for Israel automatically causes one to be branded an anti-Semite. Therefore such criticism is generally voiced quite softly, if at all.

Bush himself claims to be a "born-again" Christian, although his actions are certainly not in keeping with the teachings of Jesus Christ. He, and the true-believers he surrounds himself with, incessantly pander to the fundamentalist Christian right.

These right-wing religious radicals, while small in number, have seen their power and influence over American society increase over the past quarter century due primarily to just this pandering on the part of the Republican party. Despite the fact that their influence is at an all-time high, and is much greater than their numbers warrant, they continue to complain that they are discriminated against. They will continue to do so until they replace the liberal democracy that the United States was founded upon with a fundamentalist Christian theocracy.

If you are interested in finding out just what these people hope to achieve, I would suggest you explore the beliefs of the movement known as Christian Reconstruction (also know as Dominion Theology). A number of influential Bush supporters and architects of Bush policy subscribe to this particular belief system, which posits that Old Testament law should govern society today (and that corporations should not be subject to regulations governing environmental issues and workers rights). Although it is telling that Bush casts his wars as a battle between good and evil, I don't suggest that Bush, Inc. has precisely the same goals, but their plan for the future of the United States is equally anti-democratic.





It is sad, and rather frightening, that so many Americans voted for Bush. It is important to remember that the majority of Americans did not vote for him though. He lost the election in 2000, but the position was bestowed upon him nevertheless by his father's friends (and fellow "conservatives") on the Supreme Court. This is one of the many benefits enjoyed by the son of the former President and CIA Director.

By 2004, the young master Bush was already in the White House and already had his war. Incumbents have an advantage inasmuch as their every move will receive media coverage. Historically, Americans are also reluctant to vote a President out of office with a war going on. Still, there are credible (but largely unpursued) allegations of voter fraud in the 2004 election as well. Approximately half the population of the U.S. doesn't even bother to vote. Still a small minority of Americans did intentionally vote for Bush. Some of these share his goals, some simply didn't like his opponent and lacked the imagination to think of anyone else to vote for, and the rest find his image appealing. Of course, it didn't help that the Democratic candidate running against him didn't provide a very meaningful alternative.

Although a child of wealth and privilege, Bush is presented as a man of the people. At best he is a man of middling intelligence, which is comforting to uneducated people who resent those who are smarter than themselves. He has also been well-coached to act the part of an angry, resolute strongman who will not back down against any foe (real or perceived), a stance which appeals to the fearful and weak-minded in turbulent times (history buffs won't need me to point out the parallels to Italy and Germany in the 1930s). While he appears to be a dumb puppet to some, Bush is actually a willing frontman for a movement about which most Americans are unaware.





Who wants this kind of tension? Well, certainly the average person on the street - anywhere in the world - could do without the global instability and mistrust that this situation engenders.

However, it is quite useful to those currently holding power in Washington. Under the guise of increasing security, some of the most basic and cherished rights of American citizens have been curtailed. Because of pervasive fears that are constantly being encouraged and increased by rhetoric from Washington, the public has willingly gone along with this. By stripping rights from the citizenry they are supposed to serve, the current regime has been able to increase and consolidate its power.

This kind of tension is also quite useful to Osama bin Laden and other leaders of extremist Islamic movements, as it increases their stature and heightens their reputations among those in the Muslim world who see themselves as powerless victims of American hegemony. The result is that Osama bin Laden's name is now a household word and Islamic terrorist recruitment is booming.








Unfortunately, most of the changes in America today have been for the worse. The passage of the USA PATRIOT acts, granting unprecedented power to the federal government and law-enforcement agencies, and the decreased respect in the minds of the entrenched Washington political establishment for individual rights do not bode well for the average American citizen. The endless fanning of the flames of fear on the part of the wealthy power elite increases insecurity and mistrust in the population. I don't think that the public has ever been as politically polarized in living memory as it is now. It is potentially a very dangerous situation.

On the one hand, Bush's supporters go around waving the flag in a display of their idea of patriotism. These people seem to think that a patriot must show allegiance to a public servant, the President, as though he were a king ruling by divine right, rather than showing allegiance to the Constitution, which the President is sworn to uphold. Unfortunately, Bush has displayed very little respect for the Constitution.

However, there are many people here who object to what is being done around the world (and within the U.S.) in the name of the American people. There are also many people who protest the actions taken by the Bush regime. The problem is that you don't hear much about dissension here in the United States. Bush & Co. are closely allied with corporate America, and all the major media outlets (newspapers, television and radio) are controlled by major corporations. Therefore dissenting voices are heard only faintly, if at all, in the media most Americans use to keep informed.

The general political trend, as advanced by the current regime, is toward fascism here. I do not say that lightly. I mean "fascism" in the traditional sense as used by Mussolini in which the land is ruled hand in hand by the government and the corporations.

From all indications what they hope to achieve is a modern form of feudalism, where the moneyed class has the power and the working class is kept in a state of fear and servitude. The so-called middle class is already shrinking as the gap between rich and poor continues to widen here. Most of these people will slip into debt and poverty, but due to the pervasive myth of the "American Dream" most of them will continue to identify themselves with the upper class and act against their own best interest because they hope that one day they too will be rich and powerful. Religious differences will also be exploited to keep the public divided and (theoretically) maintain control in order to achieve their goal.

This is not only a problem for American citizens to be concerned about either. If Bush is successful in implementing his bid for Empire, than this doctrine will apply wherever American power holds sway.







I don't see that this situation is going to have much of a positive affect on the future unless drastic changes in policy coming from Washington are put into effect soon. This would necessitate a change in leadership as well, owing to the fact the current regime is so thoroughly convinced of its own infallibility and has no use for dissenting opinions. The Bush mob has three more years to serve in Washington, and they are not going to give up the reigns of power easily. Even if their plans fail, which is not unlikely, the United States is so over-extended economically (and militarily) that future generations are probably going to be worse off than we are. So you can be reasonably sure that things will not get better quickly even if corrective measures are taken.

I wouldn't be so presumptuous as to tell you specifically what you should do. But I would recommend that you educate yourself about the situation. Everything I write, though based in fact, is still only one man's point of view. You shouldn't simply accept what I have to say. Nor should you simply accept what you read in the daily newspaper or see on TV news.

Seek out independent alternative sources of information. There are plenty of small-press magazines and newspapers, and the internet is an excellent source as well if you know how to use it with a critical eye in order to separate truth from fiction.

Bush and his cronies have a plan, and although it isn't well-publicized, neither is it a secret. Research it yourself and spread the word. Speak up about what you learn. One person doesn't stand a very strong chance of changing the world, but if groups of like-minded, concerned people get together and demand change they are more likely to be heard. If you object to what is going on in the world today, speak your mind and add your body to the many protests being staged around the world.

There would be no sense in going on living if you were to give up hope for a better future. So don't give in to despair. Think not only of yourself, but your children, and their children. Keep on pushing!




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