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青い人生相談 by Chip Eckton #06
ドラッグについて語ることがまだタブーである日本で、率直な(事実を隠さない)議論が始まるきっかけとなることを願いつつ、この人生相談を掲載します。 It is our hope that this column might serve as the beginning of a frank discussion about drugs in Japan, where talking about the topic remains taboo.








Stopping the spread of drugs among young people is a big issue in Japan right now. I think this is next to impossible because drugs are seen as being so cool.

So much cool music, art, and literature seem to spring from the drug experience. Musicians who have made great music but died of drug overdoses command a lot of interest. People want to know why they needed drugs and how drugs affected their music. Straight people who conform and simply comply with any kind of law are not as interesting. It seems that we are missing something important if we have no drug experience. The dangers of drug addiction are well-known, but I find myself fascinated with people who have overcome a potentially dangerous situation. They have stories that those of us leading the usual mundane life never have.

I am interested in smoking pot. I worry that I could easily become addicted to it. Still, I can't find any strong reasons to stop using drugs. The government is permitted to sell alcohol, but I don't like to drink and I think alcohol poses a greater danger than pot. Chip-san, what do you think about drugs?




Mankind has been devising ways to get high since antiquity. What I think about drugs depends largely on the drug in question. Certain drugs are likely to cause physical harm if overused, others are relatively benign. Personally, I believe in individual freedom. By this I mean that an educated person should be free to decide for himself whether and what drugs to use (or not to use). It's your body - do with it what you think the best.

The problem with this is that it can be difficult to obtain reliable information about some substances and therefore it can be a challenge to educate yourself about drugs. An awful lot of the literature that is available about drugs and their effects amounts to little more than propaganda for the endless (and doomed to failure) "war on drugs" spearheaded by long-standing U.S. prohibitionist policies. My experience has led me to believe that many drugs can be used recreationally with relative safety if you know what you are taking, how powerful the dose is, and what your own limits are.




Greater caution must be used when dealing with chemical, rather than organic, substances. This is especially true with street drugs (as opposed to pharmaceuticals) because you never really know if what you're getting is what you think it is, nor can you tell how pure it is. Pharmaceuticals are dispensed in carefully measured doses and have been researched and tested to the extent that a body of literature exists for every variety explaining what effect each drug will have and what potential side-effects may occur. Users expect to have a predictable reaction to using them because of the extensive testing behind them and the wide medical acceptance of them. This is not to suggest that pharmaceuticals may be safely abused, since they are designed to be used in a specific way, but the purity of these drugs is assured and the effect predictable.

Street drugs on the other hand could be anything and should be avoided unless you know who you're dealing with and what you're getting. Abuse of some of these drugs has caused problems for a great many people. Prolonged use of some drugs can lead to a physical addiction that is very difficult to shake. This is especially true of opiates (morphine, heroin, etc.) and for this reason I would strongly advise against using them despite their pleasurable effects. Other chemicals can lead to a cycle of dependency, or a sort of psychological addiction. I would include speed (e.g. methamphetamine) and cocaine among these. My observations lead me to believe that these can be used occasionally by most people without causing serious problems, but should not be used on a regular basis.



As you suggest with your reference to dead musicians and those who have overcome addiction, there is a certain romance or glamour attached to drug addicts. Believe me though, I know from personal experience that there is nothing romantic or glamorous about junkies. I don't hold in particularly high regard those who have overcome drug addiction either. I'm happy for them, but not terribly impressed. I save my admiration for those who were self-aware enough to know their limitations and not become addicted in the first place. And I don't find anything interesting about listening to other people's drug stories.



As far as smoking pot is concerned, I don't think you really have very much to worry about. Smoking is bad for your lungs - you already know this, but you're not going to become addicted. If you smoke regularly you may become psychologically dependent upon it, but you won't experience physical withdrawal symptoms if you stop. You'll just wish you had some more. A lot of pot-smokers are unmotivated and not very ambitious, but a lot of pot-smokers are very successful people too and plenty of non-smokers lack ambition. If you get very high your judgment might be affected, so it is probably not a good idea to operate heavy machinery while stoned. In general, though, potheads are very relaxed and gentle people (at least when they are high) who are unlikely to bother anyone. No one has ever overdosed on pot. I couldn't agree more with your assertion that alcohol poses a greater danger than pot. Alcohol probably causes more health problems and more damage to society in general than all illicit drugs combined.



While there are specific works of art (or literature, or music) that have been inspired by a drug experience, drugs rarely provide the creative spark. I think that creative people probably have greater curiosity than others and are therefore more likely to experiment with drugs. Conformists who obey every law without any thought to whether the law is right or sensible are highly unlikely to be creative types. There is no shortage of assholes and scumbags in society as a whole, and the same holds true for the drug culture. In general the harder the drugs, the greater the percentage of users and losers you're going to run into. So you have to keep your eyes open while expanding your mind.



There are plenty of other drugs out there (LSD/acid, ecstasy, etc., etc.) that I haven't bothered to discuss. I really don't mean this as a primer on drug use. Nor do I wish to encourage you to use drugs. You may have an adverse reaction to certain substances, particularly if you have pre-existing medical conditions, so you have to be careful. These are only my opinions, nothing more. I don't think that you are missing anything particularly important in life by not using drugs. However, if you are curious and do decide to experiment please be sure to educate yourself first and know your limits. Oh yeah, and watch out for cops, they probably don't share my opinions.



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